I'm back! I'd like to share with you my recent experience while witnessing the Lunar Eclipse. This shot (above) was taken at the Bremerton-Seattle Ferry Terminal as the Moon was beginning to be eclipsed by the Earth's shadow. It was exciting because usually when I'm taking photos I'm either alone or with a couple of friends, but this was different. I was downtown outside of Anthony's on the upper deck trying to catch shots of the moon as it rose above the horizon. Many people were waiting for the next ferry; some reading, others sleeping. I was setup with my 300mm zoom lens atop my tripod. It took a while for many to figure out this wasn't an ordinary occurrence, the moon looked fairly normal. But it gradually got smaller and smaller, as more and more people began to notice and gather around me. Soon enough people were pointing from inside the restaurant, ferry travelers awoke from their dull slumber, and even the bus drivers emerged from there boxed vehicles to crowd around on their break.
It was truly a unique moment, downtown with a bunch of strangers brought together by this puzzling cosmic event. It was a feeling I don't experience much, usually only at a concert - but this was different because we weren't being entertained, rather we were being summoned to question these deeper feelings we usually leave untouched. It was brief, only a couple minutes, as most soon remembered they had places they needed to be; but it was obvious to those of us who were there, although no real solution or conclusion was reached, that life brings events like these to remind us of our true nature.